Posted On: 2012-03-30

Aviation Valley leads the WP4 CNCB project – Cluster Optimization

CNCB Cluster and Network Cooperation for Business Success in Central Europe project

The CNCB project focuses on the development of cluster initiatives. Its aim is to target specific challenges of the participating regions related to the cluster management qualification and working on elaboration of a standardized transferable module that is not available so far.

CNCB addresses the needs of cluster initiatives and provides them with tools and instruments for their further development in terms of optimisation and internationalisation. In particular, the project will contribute to the improvement of the climate for innovation by supporting cluster initiatives as well as contribute to the exploitation of the innovation potential of clusters enabling them to go international and by addressing their specific needs, to foster the further development of their strategic competence fields by establishing co-operations and transferring good practices. Moreover the project intends to stimulate technology transfer and knowledge exchange mechanisms by establishing a serial of events for exchange of experience and to encourage the use of ICT to create better transnational communication and co-operation by applying latest IT tools available on its website.


P1 CLusterLAnd ,Linz Austria – coordinator
P2 University of West Bohemia (Plzeň, Rep. Ceca)
P3 Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya
(Pécs, Ungheria)
P4 Regional Union of Veneto Chambers of Commerce
(Marghera Venezia, Italia)
P5 Province of Milan (Milano, Italia)
P6 Aviation Valley Association (Rzeszów, Polonia)
P7 Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship Promotion
(Katowice, Polonia)
P8 BIC Bratislava, Ltd. (Bratislava, Slovacchia)
P9 1st Slovak Engineering Cluster (Detva, Slovacchia)
P10 Pomurje Technology Park ( Slovenia)

Expected Result:
By performing the benchmarking activities as well as through mapping of cluster management training opportunities of the whole Programme area, the national qualification concepts will be enhanced and their further potential upgrades identified. Furthermore, the project intends to select three cluster initiatives as pilot application.
Within these pilots clusters optimisation plans will be discussed and realised. The outcomes will summarised in a handbook describing the transnational methodology of cluster optimisation with the focus on transfer and promotion of gathered knowledge about the cluster management. The project will also collect and implement its activities / targeted pilot actions leading to better interconnections of clusters on the international markets.

CNCB project
