Workshop “Bio-based composites and sustainable fuels at the service of the Aeronautical decarbonisation”
Date: April 11, 2023
From 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (CET Time) – online
METASTARS project, co-funded by the Single Market Programme invites you to take part in a webinar co-organised with the Bioeconomy for Change cluster (B4C).
The METASTARS project aims at supporting the adaptation to the twin transitions of European SMEs working in the field of the Aerospace & Defence (ASD) ecosystem. The project has launched the 1st of March 2023 a call for innovative services to boost the environmental transition of European SMEs.
In this frame, B4C, will present which developments of the bioeconomy, including the bio-based composites (i.e. composite parts manufactured with natural fibres reinforcements and/or bio-based polymers) and the Sustainable Aviation Fuels, serve the ASD sector. This webinar will be also be the occasion to learn about existing solutions and examples applied in the aeronautic sector.
Agenda of this webinar:
- Introduction on the bio-based composites and sustainable fuels, which solutions are available
- How the METASTARS project boosts the green development of European SMEs, the financial supports available
- Presentation of service providers, concrete solutions available on the market