Możliwości udziału MŚP lotniczych w projektach FP7.
Poniżej informacja i lista propozycji projektów:
The AeroSME R&D Project Flash is created to disseminate information on all aeronautical related R&D project proposals for which partners are still wanted. The project proposals are gathered from different sources within Europe such as the AeroSME database, the CORDIS database of the EU, National/Regional Associations and from other Aeronautical Support Actions of the EU. This issue contains Level 1 proposals (small collaborative research projects) under preparation by the SCRATCH consortium and likely to be submitted in the FP7 1st Call. You can express your interest for participation in these proposals. The proposal abstracts, the Expression of Interest form and the contact details of the SCRATCH partner points of contact (Servicing Partners) can be retrieved from the SCRATCH website . For more information and to express your interest please contact the respective Servicing Partners direct or Mr. Jean-Louis BonafĂŠ, Tel. +33 5 62471418 or e-mail: SCRATCH is a EU funded action that aims at supporting aerospace SMEs in participating in the 7th Framework Programme. Click here to visit the SCRATCH projects proposals under preparation webpage
Project Acronym
Full title of projects proposals under preparation
Interactive Visualization of a complete DMU
MAnagement of DIstribute SimulatiON
Collaborative Airport SErvice Management
To develop slurry coating systems which combines micro and nano particles
both for high and low temperature applications to provide multifunctional
coatings for aero structures, engines and components
Development of light-weight, forged aerospace components from
aluminum-lithium alloys and protective coating for them
Novel Automated Fixation Technology for Assembling
Full field Aeronautical Non-destructive Testing for Online manufacturing
and Maintenance
Harness Optimized Tolls
MEtal Foam Airplane Components
Wake â3D
New Technologies for Wake Vortex 3D measurement Systems to be used in
Closed-loop Flight Control Systems
Development of Audio Management System with VoIP
AeroSME Project Office
AeroSME project manager: Ms Paola Chiarini.
For any further information concerning the R&D Projects please contact:
Ms. Paola Chiarini at ASD
Tel +32-2-775 82 98, Fax +32-2-763 35 65, e-mail:
Details on all projects/proposals publicised in the AeroSME R&D Project
Flash are available on our website:
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